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Youth Ministry


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The Office of Youth Ministry exists to support and grow ministry to teenagers in parish communities throughout our Diocese.  It is our mission to help and form youth ministers and youth workers through professional development, assistance and consultation, networking opportunities, and prayer experiences for spiritual growth.  We also work to develop larger-scale initiatives for young people – youth rallies, conferences, holy hours, summer camp experiences, etc. – which parish youth ministries can plug into throughout the year to foster evangelization within their community. 

“ Youth Ministry will change your life. There will be a time when you have a  really bad week 
and you come to the group meeting and you just share, you open your heart and let 
everyone in – you let Jesus’ love in. You feel so much better and you know that everything is
 going to be ok. Having a relationship with God is something that helps you through rough                    times and makes you grateful for the good times.”

- Lauren

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