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Respect Life

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"We Need to See Each Child as a Gift to be Welcomed, Cherished and Protected” – Pope Francis


Join our Mission to Serve Life! 

The Respect Life Office enunciates and promotes the principle that human life, at all stages from conception to natural death, is a gift from God, worthy of respect and protection.

This ministry encompasses prayer, education, advocacy, care and services. 



Pregnancy Services

Pastoral services and care for pregnant women, especially those who are vulnerable to abortion and who would otherwise find it difficult or impossible to obtain high-quality medical care.


Post-Abortion Healing and Reconciliation

Project Rachel offers caring support and hope for reconciliation after an abortion.


Gianna of Long Island Center for Women’s Health & Fertility

provides women with exceptional medical care.


Care for Those Who Are Chronically Ill, Disabled, or Dying

Euthanasia and assisted suicide can appear a reasonable and even compassionate solution to the suffering of individuals and families struggling with illness or the dying process. Yet these are not real solutions—they do not solve human problems, but only take the lives of those most in need of unconditional love. 

For more information on Respect Life, visit our website.


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2021 Diocese of Rockville Centre

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